January 7, 2021
By marinak / No Comments/ 0 Views/ Uncategorized


Cleaning is an essential need for every company. It is a major cornerstone that promotes a healthy and productive workspace. Despite its necessity, cleaning can be time-consuming if your company makes these cleaning mistakes. 


  1. 1. A typical cleaning mistake most companies make is not having a process or a plan that helps you achieve excellent cleaning. When you start cleaning randomly (most especially large workspaces), you will end up wasting much time and energy with little results. However, when you have a cleaning process, it helps ensure that you clean quickly while spending less time yet providing better results. 
  1. 2. Using wrong cleaning products is another mistake most companies make. When we use the wrong cleaning products or tools, the chances are that the space may not be appropriately cleaned, or it could even lead to damages such as surface scarring. To avoid this, it is essential to read product labels and ascertain the right products to use for your company’s cleaning chores. 
  1. 3. Like using the wrong products, most companies believe that using too much cleaning products will help make their space cleaner. However, using too much product creates more work by leaving haze, sticky surfaces, and it could lead to oversaturation of materials such as microfiber cloths. In essence, when it comes to cleaning, more is not necessarily better. 
  1. 4. Another common mistake most cleaners make is using dirty materials or tools to clean. Working with dirty clothes or sponges do more harm as they soil surfaces, spread bacteria, grease, and grime instead of removing it. Not only is this gross, but it is also unhealthy. 
  3. 5. Not having a cleaning or maintenance scheduleis also one of the common cleaning It is essential to know that having a cleaning and maintenance routine is crucial in ensuring consistency and providing optimal results. A cleaning schedule is necessary to help avoid piled up chores and overwhelm. 

Most importantly, to avoid these cleaning mistakes, it is necessary to hire experienced cleaning staff for your company. If you’re still unsure, you can consider hiring a commercial cleaning company as they follow the best cleaning practices to ensure that your workspace is always clean and sanitized.